Church Membership

Church membership is an important aspect of Christian discipleship and community life. It is not simply a formality, but a biblical practice that reflects the structure and function of the New Testament church. Hebrews 13:17, for example, instructs believers to “obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls,” which implies a clear relationship between church leaders and a defined group of members. Without formal membership, it would be difficult for leaders to know whom they are responsible for shepherding, and for believers to understand who their spiritual authorities are.

Additionally, church membership provides accountability and mutual encouragement. In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul describes the church as the body of Christ, with each member playing a crucial role in the health and functioning of the whole. This metaphor emphasizes that believers are interdependent, and church membership helps create a context where they can grow in faith together, using their gifts for the edification of the body (Ephesians 4:11-16).

We also emphasizes the covenantal nature of church membership. When individuals join a local church, they enter into a covenant with that body, committing themselves to live in community, love, and discipline according to biblical standards (Matthew 18:15-17). This reflects God’s design for His people to live in accountable relationships, pursuing holiness together.

Church membership, then, is an expression of commitment to the local body of Christ, the leadership, and ultimately to Christ Himself. It is a public acknowledgment of one's role in the church's mission and an essential part of a Christian’s spiritual growth.

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Membership Process

While many churches extent membership to almost anyone who asks to join, we are much more thorough. Becoming a member of Grace Bible Church is not like joining any other club. You are applying for membership into a family, which is a big deal. Amos 3:3 says, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” While we don’t expect all members of our church to be exactly the same, there are some distinctions that make us who we are, and it is important that those desiring to join are aware of what they are joining.

For this reason, we have a Membership Process.

  1. Applicants complete the Membership Application in the packet and return it to one of the elders as soon as possible, along with the other items on the Membership Checklist (see below).

  2. Applicants must complete the membership class which is offered a few times throughout the year. This class is designed to help people know who we are and what we are about as a local church.

  3. Applicants will meet with at least 2 elders who will conduct a short membership interview. The elders will either approve of the applicant or request a follow-up meeting to discuss issues that have arisen during the membership process. This meeting is simply an opportunity for those in leadership to meet you, if they already haven’t, and listen to the story of how you became a follower of Christ.

  4. Approved candidates will be announced 2 weeks prior to welcoming them into membership where they will be introduced to the church through their baptism and/or testimonies during a Sunday worship service.

Membership Checklist

The following items should be turned into the pastor in charge of teaching the new member’s class in order to complete the Membership Application process:

  1. Completed & signed Membership Application.

  2. Read the 1689 Confession of Faith.

  3. Read the GBC Constitution

  4. Read & Signed Accountability Form

  5. Electronic Copy of your personal testimony sent to

  6. Digital photo of you (or full family) for church directory (

  7. Letter of good standing from your former church (if applicable)

    *** Items must be completed, turned in / emailed by the beginning of session 1 of the new member’s class.